Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well… ain’t it no wonder that how conveniently people lie about stuff nowadays.
Be it buying a product where the ass-kissin’ salesman would go out & out to praise the quality of the product as if it were the last diamond outta Shylock’s pocket (read: worth every penny) (err…Shylock…don’t u remember him from Merchant of Venice? WTF! What’s the point? No…tell me…what’s the point of u reading this when u haven’t read Shakespeare? Gosh! I didn’t know u really were such a useless piece of flesh…bah)

"Dear Father, teach me how to share your kindness with everyone I meet"
Dear Father, better yet, teach me how to not get pissed off at all of those "fake-nice ass-kissing do-gooders" that I meet. I know they don't act like that all of the time, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO BE THAT CRAPPY ALL OF THE TIME!!!!

Tch Tch Tch…Society!!

It was a friggin’ weird day.
I realized how our society has molded us to think in a certain way; to behave in a certain way; and for Christ’s sake- think in a certain pathetic way!

I happened to spend a few hours one evening catching up with a good old friend last week. We stopped at a donut joint and got talking, as usual. Oh I need to confess – I have my heart set upon that place.

Oh c’mon u creeps…! I’m not eyeing the owner, or his son, or his father! Phew!!!
Freaks like u do it…I simply love donuts!! And for all the losers who haven’t tasted the real Dunkin’ Donuts…don’t u dare talk abt donuts to me….eva!
So yeah this place comes pretty close to Dunkin’ Donuts (of USA). Don’t doubt my taste buds – I know wt I’m sayin’!

Well…so whr was I? oh yeah….there I sat with my friend sippin coffee and relishing the tangy lemon donut….hhmmm…the taste still lingers in ma mouth and makes me feel all tangy again…aaww…this keeps deviating me from wt I really wna say…

Damn! Donuts are enuf to take my attention away from the world.
My friends have given me a title – “the girl who can sell her soul for donuts”. Hey its not untrue! And I love u all (I’m talking to my friends!)

So topics flew like hot pancakes….ohh…pancakes…yyuummm…I used to make ‘em when I was in US…and cakes…and brownies…and…good food!!!

Anywayz…I need to learn to focus on topics being discussed…so we stumbled upon the miseries the incessant rains flooding the city with. And the plight of the “not-as-privileged-as-v-r-“gave the conversation a serious/ emotional touch.

He went on to describe a certain sight he was an audience to on his way that evening. When he was stuck in traffic his eyes fell on a man with bare essentials to cover his lean remains, seeking shelter under a huge tree. He was so struck by the graveness of the situation that he couldn’t take his eyes off him. At a point he wanted to step out of his car and walk up to the man and offer him help – monetary of course, and/or just hear him out.

And as he described that panorama to me, all I could think of was- is my friend gay???

His tone was all mellow and soft, his eyes a lil’ watery and he stopped eating his donut.

Hey I was not eyeing his donut…I’m not too fond of chocolate newayz. And not that I’m not emotional…I do have a heart – a good one at that!

It’s just the way I’ve been looking at boys around me.
None of them – believe me NONE of them have eva spoken about something so heart-touching or overwhelming or penetrating.

Now I don’t mean to compare all the men around but hey I’m sorry if I haven’t come across any sissy! My brother is a brute! (In a good way I mean…he mite jz read this someday…and I don’t want that day to be my last)

So as I looked at him, so moved by the privation of others, I was a lil’ taken aback. I could feel the emotion going thru my friend’s heart – yes a lil’ bit – but at the same time I had my doubts creepin’ in.

Time and time again, we come to rash conclusions about the quandaries of life.
Is this what I really was? Instead of empathizing with him, I doubted his “straight-ness”?!

I for one, taking myself to be a rational thinker, fell in the loop made by society.
We are so raised to think of boys as the tough ones and the girls – sissy!
In this new age, everyone is glee-fully flaunting their softer side. But hey, I’ve neva come across a man who is not afraid to reveal his feminine side.
I appreciate the fact that he is in touch with his emotions.

All I want to say is that, I didn’t think I’d be skeptical about someone’s emotions – esp. a boy’s. But look what the world has done to me!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Beast of Burden

All of us have a baggage, which we carry until our dying day. It helps when you have someone to help you ease the pain of carrying it around. It works wonders to talk it out with your friends rather than piling it in your heart and mind. It’s the soul that gets stressed out.

I fail to understand what exactly are we looking for in life?? Fame? Money? Friends? Support? What exactly?? And how much of it?
You slog your arse off your entire life to earn money, fame, name, acknowledgement…whatever. And the result? Once you bid adieu to this atrocious world no one remembers you. That’s right. No one does. Even if they do – it’s not for long. Your family perhaps keeps you alive in their memories for sometime. But that’s about it. No more. No one.

The truth lies in the fact that life is too short to understand or interpret things and actions. Do what your heart wants to do. Do what your mind tells you to do. If you start finding meaning in everything you do, there perhaps might not be any fun or enthusiasm left. Live in the moment. Live for the moment. You won’t even realize when and how life would pass you by. Make the most use of the opportunities given. Grab them. With both your hands.
Life doesn’t just mean – to be born, to live, to breed, to raise our offspring and finally to die. There’s more to it.
I see myself taking certain decisions under certain situations. But circumstances lead to those decisions. What feels right then might not feel right later. But that does not mean that the decision was wrong. Definitely NOT. Conditions change, and so do the outcomes. I never regret my actions. If I feel I’ve been unwise at a point, I make sure I learn from it. To err is human after all. (And to really goof up things - you need to be an arsehole! Hah!)

Some might agree with me. Some might not. But does it matter to me? – NAHH!

Its like how we all live in “phases”. We might like a certain thing for sometime, and before long, you would be over it. Be it music, food, clothing, and even people. Yeah that’s true. Why are you giving me such a look? Introspect man! Look deep within. Is it not true that a person you wanted to meet everyday, or talk to, seems so ‘out of the league’ after a while? Their talks seem irritating. They are looked upon as critics rather than a friend. We start taking them for granted. And all for the simple fact that the ‘phase’ is over.

We all seem to be chasing something or the other in life. Style, fashion, money, fame, ambitions, dreams, or people. We always seem to like what they have. Be it their money, fame, luxuries, friends or life partner. We might not show it. But not revealing the fact doesn’t imply that it doesn’t exist. It is so simple to explain yet so complex in nature. Yes, the grass is greener on the other side.

Well, I am free to have my opinion and you are welcome to have yours. As long as neither of our opinions hurts the other person, we're good.
Life ain’t all that complex. Look, we are surviving it. Our survival, in itself is the meaning/reason of life.

Life takes a full circle. You ultimately stop from where you began. And the outcome – Zero.

"Make someone's day. Tell them how much you appreciate them"

I’m not sure how this really works. This “appreciation” is known to have had adverse effects on many.
Like – remember the first time you said it to your Mom or Dad…did they not give you the weird / suspecting / funny look and say – “what did you do now?” or “what do you want this time?”
Or the time when you tried “appreciating” your girlfriend. Did she not give you the harsh weird / suspecting / funny (if she’s more of a friend than a “girl friend”) and ask – “who did you cheat with?” or “what you trying to hide from me?”
C’mon people! So much so for showing concern and lau !

I'm not sure if this makes many people's days....unless you're married to them, or engaged, or plain ol’ “committed”, but I'm pretty sure you have to do more than that. Because knowing you expecting women, you're probably not content with this after the first time it's said.
The first time was probably a "well wasn't that sweet".....but if we try to use that one more than once, we'd most likely get a "ok you un-original bastard, where are my roses?"
So my advice would be to time this one in between paychecks, because it's a sure-fire guaranteed ONE TIME feel good phrase. So it's like a life-line, but it needs to be used wisely and very strategically.

Been there…Done that !

Many of us use this phrase…I agree…but how many of those many people have actually lived it ??
Well…I can confidently say that I’ve almost been there…done that.
Yeah yeah hang on…I’ll give u the finer details to criticize too.

Till that blessed day I thought I’d been there…done that. And when I did something more…I realized how not close I was to that phrase.
I had an opportunity to venture out to the market to run an errand.
Wonder why I chose that day to dress up kinda “hot” – black polo neck sweater, awesome fit demins, and my $80 boots from USA !! My chic haircut, vibrant smile and confidence of looking “wow” added the extra spring to my walk. (For those of you, who don’t know the value of Boots for a gal, shame on you!)
A thing to admire – I sure did look great. And if u can’t digest the fact that I really did look “hot”, good for u that u can’t c the finger I’m holding up for u !

So, there I was, with a friend who drove me to the market. He diligently parked his car in the most dingy of all places and me being the smarter of the lot tried to squeeze maself out of the narrow space. (He parked his car a wee bit close to a shady wall and to save him he trouble I agreed to get outta the car without any fuss.)
We went to the mart, did what we were there for and had some really nice coffee (ahhh…that sure felt good – before sadness struck this happy soul).

Once back in the car, both of us smelled something funny. We rolled down the window thinking it was the slimy area that was causing the stink. But the foul smell jz didn’t seem to leave. And driving out a few yards the stench was unbearable. We stopped. Put on the lights to check what was so friggin’ wrong. And yeah. It had to be me !
Unknowingly I had stepped in “poop” that too human poop!
I shrieked!
And so did he.

I did so coz I was in filth. Rather…MY BOOTS seemed ruined. And he shrieked coz his car was spoilt coz of me! Well….at that point I didn’t really care about the car. MY BOOTS WERE IN SHIT !

We immediately stopped near the pavement. I got out jumpin’ high and low tryin to scrape the shit outta my BOOTS. I used a lot of paper to get the filth outta ma prized possessions. Used water. Used mud. Used everything I could to get ‘em clean. I even sprayed it with some really expensive perfume that I usually carry around with me (to use when others “stink”).

Olryt, I’ve been in a lotta mess whole ma life. But this was “new”. This definitely showed me that there’s more to life than just falling around, getting drunk and falling around, playing ball and falling around, walking down the stairs and slipping at the speed of light, and…oh basically being so close to mother earth.

Oh before I forget, I really admire the patience my friend holds. Hats off to u man!! I mean I kept shrieking about my boots as he helped me scrape off the poop; then he cleaned his car; helped me regain my senses.

So yeah…what I’m tryin to say is – don’t just say “been there done that” jz coz it sounds all “cool” & “hip” and makes you sound like a wise ass (or rather a wise crack). Use the words only when u’ve actually “been there – done that”.

Yeah u pea-brain I’m not using it eva again – I mean the phrase!!

As for the boots – the first thing I did when I got home was clean ‘em thoroughly with cloth, let them dry a while before putting Johnson’s baby powder (stop laffin’ shmuck…so what if that’s what I use!) and then spraying some really really expensive cologne in my room and moving my boots in air so that they’d catch the fragrance.

And also at this point I’d like to mention that I did not say “Why Me Lord!??! Why Me?!!”
My mom did that for me. (She went “Why does it have to be u always?”)

No one knowz WHY!
But all I do know now that always wear “high” heels…u neva know when u’d step into deep shit!

Gay Love !

Yeah, so I really want to have a gay friend. Where is the problem in that? Ohh…jz that I haven’t yet come across a gay guy. (*tch*sad)
Or probably I have…but jz didn’t know or couldn’t figure that out. Such are the ways of our society!
Most of the times, what meets the eye is not what the mind says it is. And ends up being what it is not. And the other times, it is what it projects to be, but by that time the mind is so adapted to think otherwise that it doesn’t see what lies in front. But desperately looks for meanings it doesn’t possess.

About having a gay friend…I don’t know why I want one! Probably I’ve seen too much of Will & Grace! But whateva!

I have a couple of really great friends (but not gay) and somewhere in the back of my mind I secretly wish they were. It’s just the ease of being myself with them. Being the way I really am. Saying and doing whatever under the sun. (Stop being such a pervert u jackass).

Every new guy I meet, I look for traits of “gay-ness” in him. Oh…wonder why I never hunted for a lesbian friend! Hhmmm….I shall ponder upon it sometime later.

Or probably its my outlook towards life and people. Some of ‘em are so really lifeless and portray such quintessence of dullness, that I believe I’d be happier off with a gay friend.
Oh just look at Will and Jack. They are what every woman wants. Err…apart from hunks like Brad Pitt and Salman Khan and Rahul Bose for me! (before you say anything against Rahul Bose, remember that I love him a lotttt…and I do have a black belt in Taekwondo…and I will not hesitate a bit to use it on anyone who thinks he’s a smart arse!)

Oh coming back to Will and Jack…hhhmmm…what life! The quirkiness of Jack vs. the foresight of Will; the freshness in the imagination of Jack and the ways of Will to bring him down to reality; the brainwaves of insolent Jack that boldly try abuse Will and his true gay ways, knowing that fact that it will somehow somewhere rebound!

The idiosyncrasies go on!
Who wouldn’t want a gay friend!?!?!?
(Yeah I’m not talking about u jackass! U and your limited needs in life can take a hike!)