Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh Come On' ....

When a person is oppressed by intense and seemingly insoluble moral dilemmas, or when grief on loss of dear ones etch away all the bright colours of life, or where a broken heart brings with it the loss of emotional security, what standards of normalcy of behaviour could be formulated and applied?

Theories of mind with cognate ideas of perception and consciousness encompass a wide range of thoughts, more ontological than epistemological. Theories of mental phenomena are diverse and include the dualist concept- shared by Descartes and Sigmund Freud- of the separateness of the existence of the physical or the material world as distinguished from the non-material world with its existence only spatially and not temporarily.

Another theory stresses the neurological basis of the mental phenomenon by asserting the functional correlation of the neurological arrangements of the brain with mental phenomena.

The behaviourist tradition, on the other hand, interprets all reference to mind and constructs action out of behaviour. Functionalism, however, seems to assert that mind is the logical state of physical systems. But all this seems to put forth a view that suggests, in varying degrees, that the psychometric control over the mind operates at a level not yet fully taught to science.The arcane infallibility of science has not fully pervaded the study of the non-material dimensions of being.

----Daiyum !!!! did u comprehend even a sentence of tht ??? i didn't !!!!i jz wanted to baffle all o u !

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