Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Turning a new leaf over !

What the hell is up with vegetarians? Looks like some one got up one fine day and had a brain wave - let’s stop eating meat and look more sickly than someone on the Lindsay Lohan diet or whatever the new rage is.

These people are going to feel a little silly when they're 95, lying in a hospital bed, urinating on themselves, pooping around, immobile and dying of absolutely nothing. As far as I’m concerned, cancer and liver failure are going to have a race to the finish line. But at least I’ll still have my witts about me, instead of losing my mind because I'm 127 years old and have no idea what is going on anymore....but I’m still alive! It's pretty much cheating death, but losing the thumb wrestling match with common sense.

You freaks won't eat anything with a face....but you'll go straight after a HEAD of lettuce, or the EYES of a potato, an EAR of corn.....but nothing with a face.

Let's face it, we're the only species with the ability to laugh, and yet the only species that deserves to be laughed at.
All of us are looking for a direction to take our lives to give it some sort of meaning, but can't you maybe just start playing golf or kidnap some children? Eating leafy greens every meal for the rest of your life is not a BALANCED DIET.

Oh my-tapdancing-god! This is absurd. My McDonalds Double Cheeseburger used to be a vegetarian, and he's not lookin' too healthy right now is he?
Do as they don't......let me know how ya feel......leaf eater..!


Nitin said...

hey sonia thnx yaar.....hey y dont u take up a course with Art Of Living.. It really helps...m sure ur on fb n email address is

Nitin said...

Non veggies.... how does it feel like when one cuts his or her finger...very painful when u cut the animal and eat it u r actually eating the pain of the animal.. how can u be happy when the pain is inside ur stomach...a graveyard with all dead things inside....

Nitin said...

lemme kno when u post ur new

nostradamus in jeans said...


nothing is veg or non-veg in this world. Only blood makes it so.